Why Buy With Tony?

  • I am a buying specialist that knows your neighbourhood!

  • I always stay in touch with you to keep you up to date with any new homes as soon as they come on the market. I'll also let you know about any unlisted homes that I'm made aware of through my huge network of buyers and sellers.

  • I listen to your ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ for buying your new home and then show you all the homes most closely match your criteria.

  • I will help you identify which homes and which areas are most suited to your needs.

  • When we find a home that interests you, I will put toghether a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), which will show you all similar homes that have recently sold and those that are currently listed in the same area.

  • I use my extensive knowledge and experience to professionally present your offer & aggressively negotiate the best possible purchase price and terms.

  • I prepare and explain all the terms of the offer, counter offers and all associated documents.

  • I ensure that you have a clear understanding of all closing costs and protect your interests with a binding and enforceable contract.

  • I have an extensive real estate network and can recommend mortgage brokers, home inspectors, lawyers, trades people, etc. who have a proven track record.

  • I am committed to making your buying experience exciting and enjoyable!

  • You can contact me 24 hours a day – 7 days a week!

     Discover the difference the right REALTOR® can make in buying your home!


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